
Fez dev: "Japanese games suck"

Indie dev lays into Western titles.

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Phil Fish, director of indie developer Polytron, has sparked outrage at a GDC Q&A session by bluntly saying to a developer that Japanese games "just suck", when he was being asked what he thought about the current state of the modern Japanese industry.

The question came from a Japanese developer, who was told that "your games just suck", and although Fish and other panelists went on to discuss the matter further, it was this initial statement that lingered in the minds of onlookers.

The question came at the end of a screening of Indie Game: The Movie, a documentary that Fish appeared in several times. The casual way in which he dismissed the entire Japanese dev scene caused a bit of a stir amongst the audience, with several people taking to the internet to voice their opinion on the matter.

Developer Zack Guido used Twitter to deliver this message to Fish: "It's shameful to sit on a panel discussing an inspiring heart-felt film and then arrogantly disrespect someone's culture".

Develop reported the original incident, but Fish, the developer responsible for platformer Fez, has since spoken to Kotaku, and he stands by his comments. He said: "My delivery could have been more tactful, but I do think most modern Japanese games are god-damn awful."


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REVIEW. Written by Ingo Delinger

"Fez manages to stand in the oversized footsteps of those Nintendo creations masterminded by Shigeru Miyamoto."

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